Trump Supporter Who Kicked Trans Woman Out of Denny’s Bathroom Loses California Primary

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, Jazmina Saavedra.

Saavedra came in third place in the California primaries after making national headlines for ejecting a transgender woman from a Denny’s bathroom in Los Angeles. Saavedra, a Trump supporter, trailed far behind incumbent Nanette Barragan in the race for House District 44. Barragan, a Democrat, earned 65.8 percent of the vote—or more than 55 points ahead of her Republican opponent. Saavedra tallied just over 10 percent.

In fact, the conservative was so far behind in the overall totals that she finished behind a candidate who isn’t even running. Compton Mayor Aja Brown pulled out of the primary race in April after announcing that she and her husband, Van, are expecting their first child.

Despite being ineligible, Brown still claimed 2,700 more ballots more than Saavedra—with 16.7 percent of the overall vote.

To add insult to injury, the only Congressional hopeful Saavedra beat was Stacey Dash, who withdrew her nomination just days before Brown dropped out. The Fox News contributor took in 7.3 percent of votes cast in the race—less than three percent behind Saavedra.

According to the New York Times, 100 percent of precincts are reporting in the 44th House District race.

Objectively speaking, that’s a devastating loss for Saavedra—who has been remarkably silent on social media since the California primary totals rolled in. The candidate went viral in May after harassing a trans woman attempting to use the restroom and then filming the encounter to publicly shame her.

In the video, Saavedra repeatedly referred to the unidentified female as a “man,” calling her “sick and stupid” while a Denny’s employee escorted the woman out. The restaurant would later apologize.

After receiving near universal condemnation when the incident went viral, Saavedra doubled down in an interview posted to her Twitter account. She told fellow political hopeful Edwin Duterte that queer and transgender people were “bullying” her online, calling the LGBTQ community “racist and hateful.”

“You know what I learned from this and that’s really sad?” Saavedra said in a Periscope video. “The LGBTQ community is hateful. […] They are bullying me. They’ve been attacking me.”

“They’ve been saying nasty things to me,” she continued. “That’s bullying.”

But like his conversation partner, Duterte also was snowed out of Congress on Tuesday. The Republican candidate for California District 43 came in fourth place behind incumbent Democrat Maxine Waters, who finished with 71.6 percent of the vote. Duterte, who promoted his campaign on a white supremacist social media platform, nabbed just over four percent of the vote.

While Saavedra won’t have a future in the national legislature, her 15 minutes of infamy aren’t over just yet. Human Rights Campaign and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law have called to investigate the Denny’s incident as a hate crime.

Photo via YouTube/Crown City Network

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