While the 2023 Met Gala is taking over the internet with its star-studded fashion, Doja Cat has quietly dropped an anime-inspired product line for a popular sneaker brand. The rapper is collaborating with Sketchers as the brand’s first-ever Artist-in-Residence.
For her first task, Doja Cat has launched a new campaign reimagining Sketcher’s UNO line. The sneaker design takes inspiration from anime action, cyberpunk neon, and the whole Y2K era.
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Distilling all of these themes into a shoe might seem like a tall order, but no one is better equipped than fashion icon Doja Cat. The campaign promotional video illustrates the vibe perfectly, showing Doja Cat engaged in a colorful shounen battle with herself.
Color is a huge focus of the campaign, with each of the UNO sneakers available in different vibrant hues. In an interview with Hypebae, Doja Cat explained the connection between color and anime as “the different UNO colors and which UNO gives you the most power.”
Doja Cat also elaborated on her own anime fashion influences. “There’s one show that I enjoyed during covid lockdown called One Piece,” she recalled. “I also like the villain from Ghost in Shell. I don’t know his name but he looks like a powdered wig Judge Judy.”
She described rehearsals as her favorite place to wear her own UNO sneakers because “UNO is very comfortable and a good shoe for all day. I spend a lot of hours on my feet so the UNO is perfect.”
In addition to launching her sneaker line, Doja Cat also made an iconic appearance at the Met Gala. On Monday night, she first showed up with her entourage hiding her under black umbrellas.
When she finally revealed herself, Doja Cat was wearing a head-to-toe rhinestone-studded dress with cat ears and feline facial prosthetics.
The theme for this year’s Met Gala was to pay homage to someone from the late fashion visionary Karl Lagerfeld’s life. In accordance with her alias, Doja Cat’s outfit was inspired by Lagerfeld’s own cat, Choupette.