One of the best parts about getting to college is not having to take all of the boring classes you were forced to take in high school. I was personally excited to take the sociology, human sexuality, and creative writing classes that my overcrowded public school didn’t offer.

Well now at UC Berkeley, students will be able to take a class on Frank Ocean. The class, which is titled “Brains like Berkeley,” was proposed by second-year graduate students Preya Gill and Deborah Chang.

In an email to The FADER, Gill and Chang explained that the class would be about Frank Ocean’s history and influences, as well as his identity and gender politics.

“We want to encourage a deep literary exploration of his artistry both in lyrics and through his visuals and live performances,” they said. “We hope to provide a safe environment where students can discuss his poetry and music with sensitivity, creative respect, and open-mindedness.”

Given that the tweet has over 30k likes, it’s likely that the class will fill up quickly. Gill and Chang also said that they would consider live streaming options or releasing their material for public use.