Not Her Fault

Reneé Rapp crushed this bottom’s dream, but here’s how she fixed it

Can a gay girl get an amen…and maybe a top?

Reneé Rapp can act, sing, and apparently locate tops. In a recent TikTok, The Mean Girls star stops one of her concerts from her Snow Angel Tour to read a fans sign and what transpired was one of the queerest concert experiences.

“Okay, so this sign says ‘looking for a bottom?’,” Rapp reads out loud. “And I’m not assuming, but as you saying at me ‘looking for a bottom?'”

Rapp seemingly receives confirmation that the questions is directed towards her and then follows up with a clarification question.

“Amazing. In the interest of time and you having a fun time at this concert, do you need a top? Is that what you need?”

Rapp seemingly receives another confirmation, one that’s paired with applause from the crowd. I mean, it’s not like Rapp fans don’t want her to top them.

Look at the demand.

And after her Saturday Night Live performance with Megan Thee Stallion, we’re sure the demand increased.

And while many are dreaming of the “Not My Fault” singer pulling out the “Reneé Strap,” Rapp seemed to crush that dream when she let the crowd know that being a top is not her top priority.

So when the fan confirmed they indeed were in need of a top, Rapp responded with, “Yea, that ain’t me.”

When Rapp sings about not being “Everything to Everyone,” she meant it. Yet, when one doors closes another door opens, as Rapp asked her concert goers to help out this particular fan.

“Alright, so tops, around that, raise your hand. We’ll be playing matchmaker.”

She continues to ask for all of the tops in the venue to raise their hands until she points to one lucky top in the crown. We have to respect wingwomen (and lesbian bodyguards) like Rapp.

Maybe she’ll pull the same stunt during her Coachella set. Only time will tell. In the meantime, check out the video below.

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