School for Scandal

The Moms for Liberty sex scandal is getting spicier by the second

This has not been Bridget Ziegler’s week. When she’s not arguing for the rights of LGBTQ+ kids to be taken away, the Moms for Liberty founder is busy fielding calls to resign from her spot on the Sarasota County School Board due to a sex scandal that’s heating up by the minute.

After Ziegler confessed the details surrounding her husband’s sexual assault investigation earlier this month, things have not been looking good for the Moms for Liberty champion. This week, Florida graduate Zander Moricz took her to task for her hatred and hypocrisy, telling her she “deserve[s] to be fired” from her post. Her husband Christian Ziegler, a GOP chair, has recently come under investigation for rape allegations from a woman who allegedly engaged in a threesome with Ziegler and his wife over a year ago. Ziegler’s accuser came forward to speak out about a non-consensual incident from this October in a redacted report.

At this point, this kind of hypocrisy should come as no surprise to us, and it doesn’t. What it does show, however, is that DeSantis’s allies in Florida—the rare parents who feel he’s doing a great job by advancing “Don’t Say Gay” legislation and censuring queer and trans government employees—are already standing on fairly shaky ground. Even before the Ziegler scandal broke, Moms for Liberty was famously pulverized in the 2023 elections, leading to the conservative group pulling every last one of their endorsements the day after the losses.

Whether the now-disgraced Zieglers will attempt to pivot once more before the 2024 election cycle is complete is unclear: for now, it’s not looking good for the Zieglers’ pet hate group Moms of Liberty. After the group’s massive losses, Florida voters, according to the New York Times, have “questions about the future of education issues as an animating force in Republican politics.”

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