
Jamie Lee Curtis Speaks Out For Trans Children In Honor of Her Daughter

Parents everywhere, take note: Jamie Lee Curtis is doing it right.

The Knives Out actress revealed last year that her daughter Ruby Guest is trans, and this year, she publicly shared her love for Guest and for all trans people in a series of heartfelt posts.

On Twitter, Curtis posted an image of her wearing a T-shirt featuring the trans flag. “Happy birthday Ruby,” Curtis wrote. “I am proud 2 be your mother & am sending support 2 all trans families across the US targeted by conservative legislatures & I VOW 2 use my freedom of speech 2 SUPPORT my child & ALL trans children trying 2 live FREELY as who they are. #ProtectTransKids.”

Over on Instagram, Curtis doubled down on her message of supporting trans children and families.

“This country was founded on freedom. A profoundly simple idea that everyone living here should be free to dream and achieve what they want freely,” Curtis wrote. “Now politicians are proposing that parents providing gender-affirming care for THEIR OWN children are felons and deserve prison time. These laws are discriminatory, unjust, and anti-American. Freedom of expression includes gender expression!”

Guest responded to her mother’s post on Twitter, writing, “My mom has supported me all the way ever since I came out as trans. I love her so much. There are allies everywhere for the trans community. You just need to look for them. And we will stand by your side for the long run.”

Curtis’ messages of love come in the wake of legislation targeting queer youth across the country, including Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill, Texas governor Greg Abbott’s proposed investigations into the parents of trans children and, most recently, Idaho’s HB 675, which could make the provision of gender-affirming care for children a criminal offense with a life sentence. Statements like Curtis’ may not directly stop these dangerous and discriminatory laws, but they’re a good place to start.

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