Dept. of Transmisogyny

Here’s Why #BBCCoverUp is Gaining Steam on Twitter

· Updated on November 15, 2021

Yesterday, adult film star Lily Cade released a violent transmisogynistic rant specifically calling for the lynching of several trans women. Today, Cade’s account has been suspended, but her hate speech has circulated enough to make Twitter an exceptionally sorrowful space this morning. Filmmaker and “Work in Progress” producer Lilly Wachowski posted excerpts from Cade’s violent rant that called for the director’s own execution last night. And while she seems to be taking it in stride, there’s no denying the harm that this kind of hate speech does:

Author Gretchen Felker-Martin got it right when she said that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Violent actions follow violent language:

So where does the BBC come into this? Well, it’s a funny story. And by funny, I mean violent, shitty, and horrible.

Basically, it’s been a week since Caroline Lowbridge’s irresponsibly-sourced article about trans women being predators came out. Before that, there was the CDC article that won the attention of newly-minted TERF Margaret Atwood. And before that, of course, was the Chappelle special. Now, folks are asking why the BBC, after thousands of complaints, is refusing to take down the article or add any pertinent qualifiers to the story itself. For instance; apparently, there are accusations of predatory behavior against Lily Cade herself, which were conveniently left out of the BBC article:

Even more damning is the fact that Lily Cade has her own accusers. The BBC article conveniently left this detail out:

Also, where is the broader media during all this? Silent, as usual:

It’s also, in large part, the BBC’s fault for running the story.

Here are the facts of the case: 

Trans women need our allyship more than ever right now. Let’s do what we can to make everyone feel safe, loved, and cared for.

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