Loyal thots,

We are pleased to introduce the second season of our podcast, Food 4 Thot, made extra delectable thanks to our partnership with a website called INTO, ever heard of it?

Our premiere episode is all kinds of mess, starting with a satiating game of Top Secret, wherein The Thots decide whether or not their favorite cultural icons are tops. Then, we drop some wisdom on y’all with Certified Thot Life Hacks Fran teaches you how to know if someone’s read your email, Tommy drops knowledge on how to get out of paying for a date, and Joe claims poppers can be used for *anything* you want.

This episode’s theme is “upgrading.” Where do the waters get murky when you pursue goals of notoriety? What are the costs of rising to the top (even if you’re still a bottom)? Listen to the ep to get the full story.


Xx The Thots