Don’t cry over spilled poppers. Instead, follow what they do in this viral TikTok.

Poppers are a cultural staple within the LGBTQ+ community. Primarily sniffed by queer men for *cough* ease of access when it comes to backdoor activity, amyl nitrate (also known as poppers) have become common on the dance floor and, for some folks, even seen as house decor. In a gaggle of gays, more than likely poppers are going to be referenced at least once in a conversation, but is anyone talking about what to do when they’ve spilled on the floor?

Thankfully, this TikTok is telling you exactly what to do. TikToker @belaradream purchased a fresh bottle of poppers to feel “the rush” whenever it’s required, but those poppers didn’t make it far. @belaradream dropped them onto the ground, shattering their glass container and spilling all of the contents onto the ground.

So what do you do? Well, @belaradream encouraged a friend to do the most logical thing possible, sniff them. That’s right, @belaradream encouraged their friend to sniff those fresh poppers instead of waste them.

Desperate times call for desperate measures and this viral TikTok proved. Jokes aside, we advise you not to sniff them off the ground and can guarantee the U.S Food and Drug Administration would advise the same; However, this video, which has over 3.5 million views, shows the hilariousness of queer culture.

Also, to add to the already chaotically funny video, a random child on a scooter zooms off into the distance the moment @belaradream’s friend sniffs the poppers on the ground. Coincidence or the just the universe showing us what happens when we take Double Scorpio to the head? Either way, the internet got ahold of the video and the commentary is hilarious.

Keep your poppers safely guarded. Oh, and away from children.